

Following the Mage Wars there existed a time of great sorrow. The Mage Wars ravished the land and destroyed many villages. The destruction and devastation spared no one. Every creature was affected by the war. As the war raged, people began to view mages as vile creatures and blamed them for all the destruction caused by them, no matter what alignment. It was dark time for people of the world.

With the end of the Mage Wars, there was much strife and fighting. Countries, towns, villages, and entire Kingdoms, were in disarray. Bandits and vagabonds were ravishing the land, all in all the world was an unruly place. During this time a group of adventurers, lead by Verhannis Tolindar, an Elven warrior from the ancient elven kingdom of ( ) roamed the land riding the world of evil monsters, brigands and bandits. One of these areas, known as the Thonalas region, was a favorite spot for the adventuring party, because of its rich farmlands, lush forests, prominent game, and vast deep pools. The land was ruled by a king named Byron Daventry. He was a honest man, and had fought in the Mage Wars with his trusted company of knights. Unfortunately, his knights were wiped out in a great battle and he was the only one who survived. Taken prisoner by an evil mage, he was held captive till he was rescued by Verhannis and his men (and women) during a great battle where the evil mage called forth a demon from the Other World. Little did the mage know that the spell battles and all the magic that had been released during the mage wars had caused a rift in the fabric of magic. This rift allowed creatures from other planes to enter the world, as well as the creatures called forth by the mages. The evil mage had summoned a Balif, from the outer dimensions and ordered it to destroy Verhannis and his company. The Balif would have succeeded, as the Balif was one of the most evil and destructive creatures of the outer dimensions, had the adventurer not been saved by a great mythical creature, the Golden Phoenix. When the wizard summoned the monster, he opened the door to the plane where the Golden Phoenix resides. Woken from a deep slumber by the magical gate and by the rift in the fabric of magic, the Phoenix entered the world. Seeing the Balif attacking a small band of warriors, it attacked it, and a great battle ensued. The Balif was immune to the ferocious attack of the Phoenix and dominated early on. So the mighty bird took the form of a gallant warrior, and in it's hand it carried a powerful weapon, a magnificent sword. The result of the struggle, devastated the countryside, leveled the mages stronghold (as well as the mage within), and sent the Balif back to the outer dimensional plane.

The Golden Phoenix lay broken but alive and Verhannis wasted no time in getting to it's side. The two exchanged words. Verhannis said "You saved our lives, we could not have won without your sacrifice." Verhannis bowed his head. The Phoenix with his last breath spoke "Raise your head young warrior. It was my destiny to die here today. But be at peace I am not gone forever." With that the Phoenix disappeared, but did leave the sword it had used to banish the Balif.

With the death of the Golden Phoenix the knights were disheartened and grievous. Their new found companion and champion had died protecting them from the fury of the Balif. Their spirits broken and their hearts heavy they traveled all day, witnessing similar devastation across the land, finally they made camp. With the watches set the men turned out their bed rolls and prepared for sleep. During the night the sentries noticed a golden ball of light circle the camp. It came to rest over Verhannis while he slept. Awoken by the bright light, Verhannis jumped out of his bed roll with his sword drawn. Other's aroused by the light and sound gathered around, all with weapons drawn, ready to protect their leader from whatever this incantation may be. Emanating from the golden globe came a voice familiar to them all. "Noble warriors. Put down your weapons, I am not hear to harm you. As you probably have guessed it is I your 'Golden Phoenix'. I have come back to inform you all that a great disaster has befallen the land. This is not the only area that has been affected. All the land west of the Great Mountains has been sundered by the Fiery Night. People are flocking to the east, it is the only land spared by the event. Not only did the only did the Fiery Night devastate the land it open portals to other realms, where creatures both lawful and evil walked through. This part of the world will be over run with monster and lawlessness. It's riches will be forever lost to those in the east."

This information hit the knights hard. Most of them had grown up in this part of the world and couldn't believe that they would never be able to return here without fear for their lives. Some doubted the words of the Phoenix, and they asked him how he knew all this information. He responded by telling them that he was minion of the Elven God Cuthellon and was sent to warn his faithful of the impending doom, and to choose a leader to form a new brotherhood, who would help fight the evil that was about to spread across the land. At this last statement many warriors gave him questioning glances, and it was Verhannis who spoke up. "Have you found the leader you were looking for?" He asked without thinking that deep down he already knew the answer. "Yes, I have already chosen him and I have decided on the first of the brotherhood. It is you Verhannis Tolindar of ( ). And your men will become the originators of the new brotherhood" This responsibility I bestow upon you is not an easy burden. The coming years will be hard and many may parish" With this he turned and looked at all the warriors. "Thus I give you this choice -- You may join now and forever be loyal to Verhannis and the knights or you may leave. It is a choice most of you have already made. If you decline you will not be punished, that is not the way of Cuthellon. Now those who are ready, come towards me and I shall knight you." The first to step forward was Verhannis. The Phoenix asked him to lay his sword in front of him and to bend on one knee. Verhannis did so and the Phoenix picked up his sword, and muttered a few arcane words. The sword began to glow with a golden hue, It changed into a magnificent weapon. With the sword still in his had, the Phoenix gently tapped Verhannis on the head with the tip of the blade, then tapped him over the heart, the right shoulder and then the left shoulder. All the while Verhannis kept his eyes closed and his head down. With every touch of the blade he felt a loving warmth, and with the final touch his body filled with the feeling that a god had come into his heart. Verhannis opened his eyes and looked up at the Phoenix, however, where the Phoenix had once stood now stood the image of Cuthellon. Verhannis taken aback, tried to speak but the God gave him a knowing look and pointed to his left. Where once stood open ground, there appeared a portal ringed by golden flames. Cuthellon spoke with a voice that resonated with power but also with love honor and sadness. "Verhannis Tolindar I knight thee! Walk through the portal and you coronation shall be complete." Verhannis stood up and looked around his men were all standing proudly but also with a tinge of fright or wonder. He walked towards the portal, the golden flames gave off no heat , and so he wasn't worried about being burned. Standing in front of the portal he turned and looked back at ( ) and his men and walked through. Feeling a slight tingling on his skin he appeared on the other side and walked around. To his astonishment gone were the old rusted and dented armor he was wearing before. It was replaced with brilliant silver plate mail that felt as light as a feather. The front of his breast plate was emblazoned with a Phoenix wrought in gold, and on his shoulder plates were the symbols of his god ( ). He looked down at his sword, it was now in its scabbard and he drew it forth. Etched all along the blade were runes which he could not make out. In his mind a voice spoke to him, " I have imbued this sword with essence of the Golden Phoenix. The runes on the sword runes of protection and healing. As long as you wield this sword with a true and good heart no evil magics can harm you. The healing runes can be used on who ever holds the sword, as long as he is good and true of heart. This blade is named Golden Flame, as you will find out why when you wield it. Stand among your men and prepare them for the ascension." Verhannis walked among his warriors encouraging them not be frightened and to not worry about the flames on the portal.

Gradually, everyone was knighted and walked through the portal. Each man had a similar experience as Verhannis, but each was slightly different. Their armor was new and light, each had a golden Phoenix on the front, but if on their shoulders were etched the symbols of their patron god. One warrior noticed that on his forearm was a tattoo of a golden phoenix in flight. It was small in size and was extremely detailed. Everyone else looked at their forearms and all noticed that they too had the same the tattoo. Cuthellon spoke, "Those tattoos are a warding of sorts as well as a marker. They ward off any scrying magic, and indicate to all that you are a Knight Of The Golden Phoenix. This is what I have named you. You are the first of the brotherhood. Go and travel to the east. There you will make your home. There you will protect the land and rid all evils that threaten the people. Go my knights!" With that Cuthellon vanished.

The Knights of the Golden Phoenix traveled to the kingdom of Byron Daventry (who had also been knighted by the god) and it was here that they made their home. During their travels however, the good King Byron Daventry perished fighting an Orc raid. After his death, his memory was preserved by naming the new kingdom Davenshire. Forever would the people remember the good man who had been one of the founders of the Knights.

Verhannis lived for nearly two millennia. During his life he fought many battles and improved many lives. He married and had three children, a son and two daughters. His son Kaarnin, was the spitting image of his father, and grew to be as valiant and brilliant a warrior as his father, It is he who know sits at the head of the Knights. His leadership, is a just and honorable as his fathers. Kaarnin's elder sister, Quinaris, is a cleric of high order for Cuthellon and his younger sister, Thalia, is a ranger in the Green Phoenix regiment of the Knights (see Stats and Details). Kaarnin's leadership of the knights has been unquestionably reliable and strong. The Knights of the Golden Phoenix are a prominent fixture in the north-eastern realm of DarkWorld. ©

Verhannis' sword - "Golden Flame" (shown to the left) is one of the most prized possessions the Knights have. Crafted before the Mage War, and imbued with the essence of the Golden Phoenix, it has may magical properties.

In AD&D terms it is a Long Sword +5/+5 with the following Properties:
1) Can only be used by "Good" characters
2) Any spell of level 6 or below directed at the wielder has no effect.
3) Healing Properties:
- Uttering the command word, the sword will heal the wielder for 2d8 + 2 hit points, plus 2 hit points for every year the sword has been in the wielders possession
- Also. the wielder can choose to touch a person with the sword to heal them for 2d6 hit points.

The sword is known to be in the Knights stronghold in Tabanis, however, it is unclear whether Kaarnin wields it or not.

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